

Sunday 5 July 2015


Hello my beloved friends!
This course has been spectacular! We travelled around the world, meeting nice people and wonderful places: England, Boston, Scotland, Wales, Sydney, Kenya, Valencia, etc.
We learnt about many things and we had the most wonderful time with you. You worked very hard and we are very proud of you. Happy holidays!!
See you next year ready to live new adventures with our big family.

Wally, Wenda and Woof.


Hello Friends!
Wow we’re super impressed with your fashion catwalk!!! You look like top models!!
We’re very happy because we have spent incredible weeks here in Scotland; we learnt about clothes, the weather, the traditions and customs and the most important we enjoyed every moment.
We have to admit that we are a little bit tired and exhausted and we need holidays.

It's time to go back home, it’s summer time!

See you soon!


Welcome to our School Fashion Show:

I’m Marc and I’m wearing a blue shirt, grey jeans and blue boots.

My name is Marta and I’m 9 years old. I’m wearing black and white striped t-shirt, grey jeans and red shoes.

I’m Oscar. I’m wearing an orange sweater, blue jeans and yellow boots.

My name is Veronica and I’m 9 years old. I’m wearing a grey sweater, a blue shirt and blue jeans.

Bye bye.
Oscar, Marta, Veronica and Marc (3rd grade)


Hello Friends!
I’m a fashion lover! Yesterday I was reading an article about the NY Fashion Week, in which is one of four major fashion weeks in the world, along with those in Paris, London and Milan.
Look at these pictures:

Do you like fashion? How’s your favourite t-shirt?

Bye bye!!!


Hello Friends!
Where is Wally? Are you looking for its red and white striped sweater and its distinctive bobble hat?
Look what we found yesterday in Glasgow, Scotland.

It’s Wally!! This graffiti is awesome!!
Well, I’m going to look for Wally because it’s time to go shopping!
Bye bye


 We are enjoying the spring time here in Scotland, its landscape is breathtaking and we are going to make the most of the time here. Today it’s sunny and we are going to hike in the mountains and ride a bike.
Yesterday we read your acrostics about seasons; they are terrific!
It's time to pack for our next adventure.

See you soon!
Wally, Wenda and Woof.

PROJECT: We are poets!

Hello Wally, Wenda and Woof:

Look at the awesome acrostics we made in class about 

the seasons:

Poetry is really fun and we learnt a lot about each season.

See you soon
Carlos and Maria(3rd grade)


I really love that song, and you?



Hello my beloved Friends!
What a lovely weather outside, isn’t it?

We’ve just arrived to Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland. We are very excited because we have planned many activities in the wonderful countryside of the city. Woof is very happy because he loves running in the beach and hiking in the mountains.
There are many places to visit and many things to learn here in Scotland. Would you like to come with us?

Wally, Wenda and Woof.


Hey Friends! How are you?
It’s time to leave. These weeks have been amazing, we learnt many things about sports, the Olympic games, superheroes and villains, the Guinnes World Records, etc.
Your comics were awesome!! We were laughing all the time; you all are authentic artists. Congrats!!

See you in our next adventure!!
Bye bye!

PROJECT: What’s your superpower?

Hello Wally, Wenda and Woof!
We are drawing our own Superheroes comics at school, and we’re super excited to show you the final result!

Here you can see some pictures of the process!!

Bye bye!

Sara and Raúl (3rd grade)


Hey friends! 

It’s Wenda, I was reading about the Guinness World Records.
Did you know…
·       The fastest time to drink 1 litre of lemon juice through a straw is 54,1 seconds by Michael Jenkins from the USA!!!
·       The world’s largest feline is Hercules the tiger, weighing in at 922 pounds and measuring 131 inches long 49 inches tall at his shoulder!
Visit the Guinness World Records site to read more about real superheroes!!




Hello Friends!!
What are your hobbies?
I really like listening to the music and reading comics. Superheroes comics are my favourite ones, because I want to be a superhero: I wish I can fly, I can lift heavy rocks, I can run very very fast, etc.
Do you like reading? What are your favourite stories?
See you soon!



Hello friends!
What a great time we spent here in Sydney. It’s an interesting city and we learnt many things about sports and culture. We are so glad about your sports project, you did a fantastic work!!
Now, we are ready to our next adventure!!
See you soon!
Wally and Wenda


Hello Wally!
We have done a project about sports and we learnt many interesting facts about them.
We love sport!
Look at that funny video-song about sports!

Pupils- 3rd Grade


"The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph, but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered, but to have fought well."
Olympic Creed

Do you know the Olympic Games?
Every four years many people from different countries get together to play games and celebrate friendship, unity and sports. There are Summer Olympic Games and Winter Olympic Games.  The Games take place in a different country each time. There is an Olympic torch that lights the Olympic cauldron, which means the starting point of the games.
The first Olympic Games originated in Greece, a beautiful country in Europe.  In 2000 the Olympic Games were in Sydney (Australia)

Have you ever seen the Olympic Games?

Wally and Wenda